Crown Lengthening

Definition: a surgical dental procedure that exposes more of the tooth beneath the gumline in order to perform restorative or cosmetic procedures.

There are several reasons why one might need crown lengthening:

  • To restore a damaged tooth - especially if the damage is beneath the gumline;
  • For cosmetic use - the doctor removes the extra gum tissue to provide a healthy and beautiful smile;
  • For dental crowns - the procedure serves to provide the needed space for the dental crown.

How does it work?

The procedure starts by injecting an anesthetic to numb the work area. If there is any dental crown near the damaged tooth it will be removed and replaced after the procedure. Several small incisions on the gum tissue will separate it from the tooth. After raising the flap the doctor has access to the roots of the tooth and the bone tissue around it. This is followed by removing the necessary amount of bone tissue for the problem involved. The doctor now has access to perform either a restorative procedure for a damaged tooth (by decay, fracture, or other problems) or provide enough tooth exposure for placing a dental crown. After the procedure ends, the flap will be sutured back. As in cases of a “gummy smile,” the doctor will only remove the necessary amount of gum tissue needed to expose the normal length of the tooth. At the end of the procedure, the area worked on will be secured with a dental bandage to prevent infection.

What are the risks?

  • Bleeding;
  • Infection;
  • The tooth may feel looser;
  • The loss of the tooth in the future;
  • Failure of the procedure;
  • The shape of the gums may change;
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthetic;
  • Recurrency of the problem.

How to prepare for the procedure?

  • Don’t smoke or/and drink alcohol for at least 24 hours before the procedure;
  • Depending on the procedure, you may be required to take an X-ray of the damaged tooth.

How long does the procedure take?

Depending on the procedure performed, it might take an hour or even more.

How to recover after the procedure?

  • You may be prescribed antibiotics before and several days after the procedure;
  • During the first 3-4 days after the procedure, the gum tissue will feel sore and painful, which can be handled with painkillers and by avoiding hot, cold, or spicy meals;
  • To ease the pain and swelling you could put an ice pack on the area of the surgery;
  • You can gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help with the swelling;
  • Avoid heavy rinsing of the mouth, drinking from a straw, spitting, and smoking for the first 2-3 days after the procedure;
  • During the first couple of days after the surgery eat only soft and cool food;
  • Provide good hygiene for your teeth, but avoid brushing the gum in the operated area for a couple of days;
  • Don’t forget about the appointments with your doctor for the follow-up.

Considering a Crown Lengthening procedure? Find suitable Dental Packages on our platform.

To explore more about similar treatments, our articles on Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges might be of interest to you.

Providers that provide Crown Lengthening Service

Providers Score Reviews Location
Drs Nicolas & Asp
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0 United Arab Emirates
Implant Dentistry Center At Nicosia
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0 Cyprus
Jurong Medical Centre
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0 Singapore
Kevin Purviance
Not Rated
0 United States
Not Rated
0 Hungary
Lookswoow Dubai
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0 United Arab Emirates
Made Ya Smile Dental
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0 United States
Marcellus Family & Cosmetic
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0 United States
Max Dental
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0 India
Neo Dentica Dental Clinic
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0 Poland
Nusmile Dental
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0 United States
Nusmile Dental & Ortodontics
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0 United States
Ocean Dental Cancun
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0 Mexico
Oxford House Dental Practice
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0 United Kingdom
Patong Smile Dental Clinic
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0 Thailand
Periodontist Las Vegas
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0 United States
Phuket Dental Signature Center
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0 Thailand
Poliklinika Bagatin Croatia
Not Rated
0 Croatia
Rajdhani Dental Care Clinic
Not Rated
0 India
Sage Dental
Not Rated
0 United States