Deep Cleaning

Definition: a procedure performed to treat gum and periodontal disease. It is usually performed when the pocket depth (the space between the gum and tooth) is of 4-5 mm or more. The deep cleaning procedure consists of scaling and root planing.

How does it work?

Firstly the doctor will numb the working area with an anesthetic gel or spray. Afterwards the scaling begins which means the removal of dental plaque from the surface of the teeth and below the gumline. Then the root planing begins by smoothing the rough spots of the tooth’s roots where bacteria collects and forms tartar, and then cleaning it out. In some severe cases the doctor may place an antibiotic between the roots and gums. The entire process results in a smooth surface on the root for a better reattachment with the gums, this way getting rid of pockets. 
The procedure is either performed with a hand scaler, or with an ultrasonic cleaner that uses high frequency vibrations to separate the calculus from the tooth. In some cases both instruments are used.

What are the risks?

  • Trauma of the gums;
  • Bleeding;
  • Unsuccessful procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure?

There is no special preparation other than brushing and flossing your teeth.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure is usually performed in either 2 or 4 visits. If the doctor decides to work on 2 quadrants (on the same side of the mouth) in one appointment, it might take up to 3 hours or more for each visit. On the other hand, it might be required to work only on one quadrant per visit which takes from 1 to 2 hours.
After the first appointment, you will need a healing period of 2 - 3 weeks before the second one.

How to recover after the procedure?

  • During the first week after the procedure, the gum tissue will feel sore and painful, which can be managed with painkillers and by avoiding hot, cold or spicy meals and drinks;
  • Avoid eating with the quadrant that your doctor worked on for a couple of days;
  • You might need to rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day with warm salty water, or use a mouthwash with chlorhexidine for a week after the procedure;
  • Provide good hygiene for your teeth;
  • Don’t forget about your regular dental appointments for a healthy smile.

For a thorough oral cleaning, check out Dental Packages.

You may also want to read about other hygiene-focused treatments in our Dental Bonding and Dentures articles.

Providers that provide Deep Cleaning Service

Providers Score Reviews Location
Comfort Care Dental
Not Rated
0 United States
Comfort First Family Dental
Not Rated
0 United States
Concerned Dental Care
Not Rated
0 United States
Copper Ridge Denta
Not Rated
0 United States
Crescent Dental San Marcos
Not Rated
0 United States
Dental Clinic Oci
Not Rated
0 Costa Rica
Dental Experts Guatemala
Not Rated
0 Guatemala
Not Rated
0 Turkey
Dentim Europe
Not Rated
0 Poland
Dentineo Dental Clinic
Not Rated
0 Poland
Dentist Tijuana
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0 Mexico
Dentium Implant Center
Not Rated
0 Hungary
Desert Sky Family Dental
Not Rated
0 United States
Dr. Pankaj Mehta's Dental Care Centre
Not Rated
0 India
Dr. Sunil Dental Clinic
Not Rated
0 Thailand
Drs Nicolas & Asp
Not Rated
0 United Arab Emirates
Dynamic Dental Services
Not Rated
0 United States
Espili Dental
Not Rated
0 United States
Esthetic Dental Center
Not Rated
0 Croatia
Evolution Implant Center
Not Rated
0 Mexico