Pro Sano Clinic in Chisinau, Moldova

Rating Summary:
79.59 score/100
1 total votes
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1 recommends
1 doesn't recommend
Ranked 104 / 3908 Clinics & 134 / 5755 Providers.
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Strada Alba Iulia 75/15, Chisinau MD-2008, Moldova

Spoken Languages

Romanian, Russian


The medical center "Pro Sano" provides consultative-curative and diagnostic services in various fields:

  • family medicine,
  • internal medicine (cardiology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, pulmonology, functional diagnostics, physiotherapy),
  • pediatrics,
  • neurology,
  • dermatology,
  • gynecology,
  • anesthesiology,
  • urology,
  • traumatology and orthopedics,
  • otorhinolaryngology,
  • ophthalmology,
  • diagnostic endoscopy,
  • ultrasonography,
  • dentistry,
  • diagnostics of clinical-biochemical-immunological laboratory in ambulatory and stationary conditions.

The Center operates under the supervision of the General Directorate of Preventive Medicine and the Ministry of Health.

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Rating Summary
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  • 5
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Staff Cooperation
  • 1
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  • 4
  • 5
  • 1
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  • 4
  • 5
Dignity & Respect
  • 1
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  • 5
Involvement in Decisions
  • 1
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  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
79.59 score/100
1 total votes
Ranked 104 / 3908 Clinics & 134 / 5755 Providers.
1 recommends
1 doesn't recommend

Reviews for Pro Sano

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Cea mai proastă clinică privată vreodată. Persoanal fara educatie elementara, cu atitudine sovietică. Ei nu știe despre conversația elementară de etichetă cu clienții. Nu vorbesc despre orientarea către client.

Fără specialiști de profil, fără echipament elementar necesar. Pentru a face radiografie, trebuie să merg la altă clinică guvernamentală. Pentru a vizita un specialist trebuie să merg din nou în altă clinică. Deci intrebarea mea daca clinica Prosano este clinica PROfesionala sau doar locul de colectare banilor guvernamentului (CNAM) si banii contribuabililor?

Pentru a face testul expres COVID de întâi trebuie să vizitez medicul familiei. Pentru a vizita medicul de familie, trebuie să fac o programare. Pentru o programare astept un sunet o sa fie informat. Deci mai astept...

Este profesionali? Cum ei obținut certificatul și licența de activitate. Stimate Ministerul al Sănătății Publice al Republicii Moldova, vă rog să inițiați verificatea asupra activității acestei clinicii private. Genul ăsta de clinici private nu trebuie să fie... Deloc...

Worst private clinic ever. Rude uneducated personal with sovietic attitude. They don't know about elementary  etiquette conversation with clients. I don't talk about costumer service orientation.

No profile specialists, no elementary equipment. To make x-ray i have to go in other government clinic. To visit specialist I have to go in other clinic again. So my question if Prosano is PROfessional clinic or just place of collection governmental (CNAM) money and money of TAX payers?

To make express COVID test i have to visit family's medic. To visit family's medic i have to make appointment. To make appointment im waiting call back to be informed. So I'm still waiting...

I guess if it is professional? And how they get certificate and license of activity. Dear Ministry of Public health care of Republican of Moldova please initiate investigation of activity of this private clinic. That kind of private clinics don't have to be... Literally...

Худшая частная клиника. Грубый необразованный персонал с советским отношением к людям. Не знают элементарного этикета разговора с клиентами. Я не говорю об ориентации на обслуживание клиентов.

Ни профильных специалистов, ни элементарного оборудования. Чтобы сделать рентген, мне нужно пойти в другую государственную клинику. Чтобы попасть к какому-то специалисту, мне снова нужно идти в другую клинику. Итак, мой вопрос, клиника Просано или просто место сбора государственных (CNAM) денег и денег налогоплательщиков?

Чтобы сделать экспресс-тест на COVID, сначала мне нужно посетить семейного врача. Чтобы посетить семейного врача, я должен записаться на прием. Чтобы записаться на прием, я жду обратного звонка. Так что я все еще жду звонка...

Я так понимаю, профессионально? И как они получают сертификат и лицензию на деятельность. Уважаемое Министерство Здравоохранения Республики Молдова, просим инициировать расследование деятельности этой частной клиники. Такие частные клиники не обязательно должны быть... Априори...

I went for a consultation, check-up, second opinion, treatment and operation.
I haven't received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was very poor.
I had complications after the treatment.
My health has got worse after receiving the services from the Pro Sano.
I don't recommend this clinic!
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  • down

This clinic is close to my workplace. We went here when we have some urgent cases. The quality of analysis seems to be OK.

I went for a check-up.
I have received the requested service(s).
I didn't have an appointment.
The service I received was good.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Pro Sano.
I recommend this clinic!
Strada Alba Iulia 75/15, Chisinau MD-2008, Moldova
This Clinic is unverified - no representative is available.
Pro Sano has no representatives yet. You can still ask questions which will later be answered.

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