Irega IVF Clinic Fertility Clinic in Cancun, Mexico

Rating Summary:
87.81 score/100
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1 recommends
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Ranked 36 / 3775 Clinics & 41 / 5585 Providers.
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Provider Category

Provider Type

Fertility Clinic




We offer:

  • Indidualized approach to treating infertility.
  • Highest National standarts in infertility treatment
  • Advanced infertility care, close to home.

We are committed and percipient to your needs, IREGA IVF Clinic in Cancun is accomplished in some of the most outstanding IVF achievements in Mexico, including:

  • First fertility center established in the Mexican Caribbean
  • First IVF baby created and born in the Mexican Caribbean
  • First PESA IVF babies
  • First vitrified egg babies created in the Mexican Caribbean
  • First egg bank in the Mexican Caribbean
  • First baby born from frozen eggs in the Mexican Caribbean
  • First baby born from donor sperm in the Mexican Caribbean

Our individual approach in giving infertility care is achieved by expert IVF specialists, Dr. Mayra Wendolee De la Garza and Dr. Adan Oliveros Ceballos, who have prime qualifications and international accreditations. It is their vision of providing high quality, comprehensive infertility treatments delivered with concern and tailored care that is the foundation of our fertility clinic.

Our IREGA IVF Clinic of Cancun team has an all-inclusive range of infertility expertise and advanced treatments to provide you with the safest treatments in a cutting-edge, highly expedient facility—within the world-renowned lustrous Galenia hospital in Cancun.

We are the only center that provides an IVF Warranty program that optimizes and greatly increase your chances of getting what you crave the most—a family.

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Rating Summary
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Staff Cooperation
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Dignity & Respect
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Involvement in Decisions
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87.81 score/100
1 total votes
Ranked 36 / 3775 Clinics & 41 / 5585 Providers.
1 recommends
0 don't recommend

Reviews for Irega IVF Clinic

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The process was not easy but thanks to doctors and staff in the clinic all wend good, great people and care are best, people are listening to you and your needs, and the results were amazing I mean I got pregnant!

Medical service(s) I needed was: In Vitro Fertilization.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Irega IVF Clinic.
I recommend this clinic!
This Clinic is unverified - no representative is available.
Irega IVF Clinic has no representatives yet. You can still ask questions which will later be answered.

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