Over time, the unavoidable signs of aging become more and more visible, especially on the skin of our face. Using fillers, such as Botox® or Dysbrow®, may just be the solution to help improve our appearance by reversing the signs of aging and reducing dynamic wrinkles that appear when we smile or frown. Habitual muscle movement such as smiling, squinting, chewing etc. reinforces the creases and lines around the face including the eye fold which form deep lines on the forehead that are often referred to as “11’s”.
Monica Tadros, MD, FACS
New York Office:
911 Park Ave Suite 1C,
New York, NY 10021
+1 212-532-4590
New Jersey Office:
300 Grand Ave #104,
Englewood, NJ 07631
+1 201-408-5430
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