Harley Street Elite Clinic Aestetic Clinic in United Kingdom

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Aestetic Clinic


United Kingdom


10 Harley St, Marylebone, London W1G 9PF, UK
United Kingdom


The Harley Elite Group is an aesthetic clinic located in Central London, that provides a large range of surgical and non-surgical treatments for its patients. 

Below you can see some of the insurances and partners the clinic has:
- The CPD Certification Service 
- Lonsdale Cosmetic Insurance
- Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance
- BioScience

Non- surgical procedures performed at The Harley Elite Group clinic in London:
- Anti-wrinkle treatment with Botulinum Toxin (botox fillers). The price of 1 area is £240. 
- Nefertiti Neck Lift is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting botulinum toxin to relax the muscles beneath the jawline, creating a more firm and tight look of the skin in this area.
- Lip enhancement is a temporary procedure carried out using the Russian filler technique, to increase the fulness and appealingness of the lips. The prices for the procedure may vary between 350 and 470 pounds, depending on the filler that is used.
- Mesotherapy is a skin rejuvenation treatment that consists of a mix of 17 vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts. The mix of all these nourishing elements is injected with a microneedle into the epiderm, aiming to increase the health and good look of the skin. The price for one mesotherapy treatment is £300, while a package of seven mesotherapy sessions cost £1,700.
- Lipolysis fat burn is a non-surgical revolutionary technique that involves injecting a hydrolyzing substance in certain areas of the body to remove the undesired fat deposits. The procedure is performed every 3-4 weeks until the desired result is obtained. A package of 6 sessions costs £1200.

Surgical procedures performed at The Harley Elite Group clinic in London:
- Rhinoplasty also known as nose job is a popular facial plastic surgical procedure, that aims to improve the shape and size of the nose, remove the hump, and refine the nose tip. Also, the procedure is carried out to improve breathing in people who have a septal replacement. The price for a nose job operation starts from £5000.
- Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a suited procedure both in men and women who struggle with excess floppy skin in the area of the eyes, mouth, and jawline. The procedure aims to reduce these skin accumulations, creating a younger and more appealing look to the face. The price of the procedure is £7,500.
- Eyelid surgery is an operation that aims to improve the look of hooded and droopy eyelids by removing the excess deposits of skin and fat in the area of the eyelids. The price of an upper or lower eyelid surgery under local anesthesia is £2,600. 

- Breast surgery procedures that aim to enhance or to reduce the size of the breast, according to your needs. The price of a breast augmentation procedure is £5,000, while a breast reduction surgery can start from £6,500.
- Brasilian butt lift (BBL lift) is a procedure that involves harvesting fat from unwanted areas of your body, processing it, and finally injecting it into your buttocks in order to enlarge them. 
- Tummy tuck surgery involves removing excess fat and loose skin in the area of your abdomen to create a tight and firm appearance to your belly.  A mini-tummy tuck | procedure under general anesthetic costs £5,800. A whole tummy tuck procedure under general anesthetic costs £6,800.

- Vaser liposuction in the UK is a procedure suited for people who want to have a more athletic look of their abdomen wall. During the procedure, the doctor uses a special device that produces ultrasonic vibrations that melt the excess fat deposits and then remove it using a special cannula. 
The price for one area standard-def under local anesthesia is £2,400, while the price for one area standard-def under general anesthesia is £3,400.

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Dignity & Respect
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Involvement in Decisions
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CountryUnited Kingdom
10 Harley St, Marylebone, London W1G 9PF, UK
This Clinic is unverified - no representative is available.
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