Dental Implants

What are dental implants?

The dental implants are a device prosthetic titanium implanted in oral tissue, below the mucosal layer (gums) and periosteum, standing on the bone to provide retention and support a fixed prosthesis or removable. Dental implants have revolutionized contemporary dentistry. Since the concept of osseointegration was introduced in 1969, the science and technology of dental implants has evolved enormously. 

The predictability and efficiency of implants in restoring teeth that have been lost have been confirmed over the years. The success rate has improved from 85% in the 1980s to almost 99% today. 

Implants Costa Rica What are dental implants? 

Dental implants are a titanium prosthetic device that is implanted in the oral tissue, under the mucous layer (gums) and periosteum, being placed in the bone to provide the retention and support of a fixed or removable prosthesis. Dental implants have revolutionized contemporary dentistry. Since the concept of osseointegration was introduced in 1969, the science and technology of dental implants has evolved enormously. Dental implants Costa Rica Illustrative image of the sequence of a dental implant: Dental implant, treatment sequence 1. Photo with a healing screw, the dental implant has just been placed. 2. Photo of the dental implant before placing the crown. 3. Crown over the dental implant. The predictability and efficiency of implants in restoring teeth that have been lost have been confirmed over the years. The success rate has improved from 85% in the 1980s to almost 99% today.

What are Dental Implants for?

An important reason to consider dental implants when replacing missing teeth is to maintain the bone and thus prevent its loss. The dental implant placed in the bone not only serves as an anchor for the prosthetic device (crowns, bridges, "veneers" or overdentures) but also as one of the best preventive procedures in dentistry. A large percentage of patients treated with implant-supported prostheses, judged that their overall psychological health had improved compared to their previous state, in which they wore traditional removable prosthetic appliances, and perceived the implant-supported prosthesis as an integral part of their Body.

When is a Dental Implant necessary?

When it is necessary to fully replace the function of the roots of the teeth for the replacement of a single tooth, several teeth, dental bridges, or all teeth with crowns, bridges, and overdentures (“Veneers”).

Our Experience in the Placement of Dental Implants

At the Dental Health clinic, we have placed and rehabilitated more than 70 dental implants. The rehabilitation of these dental implants includes crowns, bridges, and overdentures ("veneers"). In case the patient requests it, the sedation service is provided.

Advantages of "Dental Implants"

  1. High success rate (greater than 98%)
  2. No cavities.
  3. Since dental implants replace the roots of the teeth, the bone will be better preserved.
  4. Dental implants preserve natural dental tissue by avoiding the need to file adjacent teeth as occurs with conventional tooth bridges.
  5. Dental implants reduce the load on remaining oral structures/teeth by offering independent support and retention to crowns, bridges, and overdentures (implant "veneers").
  6. Poorly fitting or loose dentures (“veneers”) can be replaced with better support, stability, and retention through implant overdentures (“veneers”).
  7. The replacement of natural pieces with dental implants makes it possible to eat everything without any discomfort, an advantage that dentures do not have, for example, although their fit is unbeatable.
  8. They provide excellent support and stability in the mouth when chewing.
  9. Psychological advantages for the patient, improving self-esteem as appearance and speech improve considerably, in addition to the fact that they will feel more secure knowing that they are non-moving attachments.

Disadvantages of "Dental Implants"

  1. The dental implant requires a small surgery to place it, so you have to be careful with infections, especially people who smoke.
  2. There is a 2% chance that the implant will not be accepted by the body.


As you can see, the advantages are greater than the disadvantages, and the disadvantages, in the end, do not represent an insurmountable problem. The only thing that would count would be your ability to keep the dental implant well cared for and in good shape so that it lasts a lifetime as much as possible.



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