Endodontic Therapy

Definition: A procedure in which the doctor removes the infected and damaged pulp tissue from within the tooth and then fills the root canals with a special biocompatible material.

The tooth consists of a superficial layer called enamel, under which is the dentin (the hard layer), that covers the soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, which is the source of “food” for your tooth. When the pulp becomes infected, it causes pain and high sensitivity to your tooth, and if left untreated it may lead to abscess of the bone under the tooth.

How does it work?

First, the doctor injects a local anesthetic to numb the area and the tooth itself, then he/she will place a dental dam (protective sheet made of rubber or vinyl) over the area of the tooth to isolate it from the bacteria found in saliva or the rest of the mouth. Then the proper work starts by drilling a way through the dentin to the pulp, which the doctor cleans from the pulp chamber and root canal with a special instrument. The next step is completed by disinfecting the canals and then shaping them for further filling. The doctor then fills the canals with a thermoplastic material called gutta-percha and seals them with a cement adhesive. The procedure is completed by placing a filling to close the opening, which can be permanent or temporary (requires a second visit to remove it and fill the opening with the permanent one). If the tooth was severely damaged and the doctor had to drill a lot of your tooth structure, you may need a crown to cover the damage.

What are the risks?

  • Infections;
  • The reappearance of the problem at the same tooth after some time;
  • The tooth could be badly damaged and should be extracted (situation visible after drilling through the surface);

How to prepare for the procedure?

There is no need for anything special done, just try not to smoke or/and drink alcohol for 24 h prior to the procedure.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure takes about 30-40 min, and if you will need a second visit to the doctor for the permanent filling, it could take even less.

How to recover after the procedure?

  • The doctor may prescribe antibiotics for a couple of days;
  • The first couple of days after the procedure the tooth will be more sensitive, so avoid chewing with it, and eating and/or drinking cold or hot meals;
  • Avoid chewing gum with that tooth for the first 2-3 days, especially if you have a temporary filling;
  • Provide good hygiene for your teeth;
  • Pain is manageable with medication.

Curious about other endodontic treatments? Read about Regenerative Endodontics.
If you're considering Root Canal, you might find our article on Crown Lengthening interesting.
Explore Dental Packages to find affordable treatment options.

Providers that provide Endodontic Therapy Service

Providers Score Reviews Location
Dentaturism Clinic Center
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0 Romania
Dentaydin University Dental Hospital
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0 Turkey
Not Rated
0 Romania
Dentex Dental Clinic
Not Rated
0 Croatia
Dentident Implant Clinic Kft.
Not Rated
0 Hungary
Dentim Europe
Not Rated
0 Poland
Not Rated
0 Spain
Dentist Tijuana
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0 Mexico
Not Rated
0 India
Desert Sky Family Dental
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0 United States
Designer Dentistry
Not Rated
0 United Kingdom
Deutsche Zk
Not Rated
0 Spain
Dietrich Dental
Not Rated
0 United States
Doblanovic Dental Practice
Not Rated
0 Croatia
Doctor`s Dental Clinic
Not Rated
0 India
Dr Abhijit Sadekar Dental Clinic
Not Rated
0 India
Dr Chopra Dental Clinic
Not Rated
0 India
Dr Genchevi Dental Care
Not Rated
0 Bulgaria
Dr Ivo Gasparac Dental Polyclinic
Not Rated
0 Croatia
Dr Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Centre
Not Rated
0 India