Hospitals and Clinics in Italy
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Showing results 1 - 50 (out of 77) of Hospitals and Clinics in Italy
Provider Name | Score | Reviews | Country | City | Services |
Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea |
Not Rated |
0 |
Roma |
Roma | Neurosurgery, Emergency Services, General Surgery |
Promea S.p.A. |
Not Rated |
0 |
Torino |
Torino | Fertility Treatment, In Vitro Fertilization, Obstetrics And Gynecology |
Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-... |
Not Rated |
0 |
Roma |
Roma | Pathology, Anesthesiology / Anaesthesiology, Heart Surgery |
A.p.s.p. Residenza Valle Dei Laghi |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Bracco (cdi: Centro Diagnostico... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | Consultation / Check-up, Cancer Treatment / Oncology, Radiology |
Casa Di Cura Assunzione Di Maria S.s |
Not Rated |
0 |
Roma |
Roma | Diagnostics, Laboratory Services or Pathology, General Surgery |
Casa Di Cura Privata Ernesto Montanari |
Not Rated |
0 |
Morciano di Romagna |
Morciano di Romagna | Anesthesiology / Anaesthesiology, Bariatric Surgery, General Surgery |
Casa Di Cura Quisisana |
Not Rated |
0 |
Ferrara |
Ferrara | Emergency Services, Laboratory Services or Pathology, Medical Intensive Therapy |
Cdi Centro Diagnostico Italiano S.p.a. |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Ceinge Biotecnologie Avanzate Scarl |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Centro A.s.t.e.r. C/o Clinica Del... |
Not Rated |
0 |
Ragusa |
Ragusa | Fertility Treatment, In Vitro Fertilization, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (icsi) |
Centro Cardiologico Monzino Spa |
Not Rated |
0 |
Milano |
Milano | Cancer Treatment / Oncology, Angiography, Immunology |
Centro Chirurgico Toscano Srl |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Centro Odontoiatrico Barberia |
Not Rated |
0 |
Bologna |
Bologna | Dentistry / Stomatology, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics |
Centro Odontoiatrico Pitino |
Not Rated |
0 |
Modica |
Modica | Dental Reconstruction/prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery |
Clinic Center Italy |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | Physiotherapy, Cardiology, Pulmonology or Respiratory Medicine |
Clinica Mediterranea |
Not Rated |
0 |
Napoli |
Napoli | Rheumatology, Pathology, Nephrology |
Complesso Ospedaliero San Giovanni... |
Not Rated |
0 |
Roma |
Roma | Emergency Services, Medical Intensive Therapy, Trauma Surgery / Surgical Critical Care |
Cot Cure Ortopediche Traumatologiche S.... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Cra Center Of Assisted Reproduction |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | Fertility Treatment, Reproductive System Procedures |
Denta Clinic |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | Dentistry / Stomatology, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry |
Dr. Alessia Glenda Buscarini |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | Cosmetic Fillers, Botox Injections, Dermatology |
Dr.Nico Naumann |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | Fertility Treatment, Obstetrics And Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization |
European Institute Of Oncology (... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Fondazione Cnao |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Fondazione Poliambulanza |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Fondazione Santa Lucia |
Not Rated |
0 |
Roma |
Roma | Neurorehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Dietetics or Dietology |
Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Fracastoro Hospital San Bonifacio Verona |
Not Rated |
0 |
San Bonifacio |
San Bonifacio | Anesthesiology / Anaesthesiology, Pathology, Cardiology |
Giannina Gaslini Children's... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Gruppo San Donato |
Not Rated |
0 |
Milano |
Milano | Neurology, Radiotherapy, Neurosurgery |
Hospitadella Dental Studio |
Not Rated |
0 |
Cittadella |
Cittadella | Dentistry / Stomatology |
Hospitaly - Health & Hospitality... |
Not Rated |
0 |
Rome |
Rome | Chelation Therapy, Cancer Treatment / Oncology, Chemotherapy |
Humanitas |
Not Rated |
0 |
Rozzano |
Rozzano | Diagnostics, Laboratory Services or Pathology, Immunology |
Humanitas Castelli |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Humanitas Cellini |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Humanitas Gavazzeni |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Humanitas Gradenigo |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Humanitas Istituto Clinico Catanese |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Irccs Centro San Giovanni Di Dio... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Irccs Istituto Clinico Humanitas |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Istituti Ospedalieri Bergamaschi |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | Cardiology, Dermatology, Counseling and Psychological Services |
Istituto Auxologico Italiano |
Not Rated |
0 |
Milano |
Milano | Acupuncture, Allergology, Vascular Medicine |
Istituto Clinico Mater Domini - Casa Di... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A | |
Istituto Europeo Di Oncologia |
Not Rated |
0 |
Milano |
Milano | Cancer Treatment / Oncology, Pathology, Physiotherapy |
Istituto Figlie Di S. Camillo Ospedale... |
Not Rated |
0 |
Roma |
Roma | Laboratory Services or Pathology, Immunology, Hematology |
Istituto Fiorentino Di Cura E... |
Not Rated |
0 | Italy | N/A |