Doctor Didevich Clinic Clinic in Kyiv, Ukraine

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83.68 score/100
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Ranked 101 / 4161 Clinics & 127 / 6726 Providers.
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Kruhlouniversytetska St, 15, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01024

Spoken Languages

Russian, Ukrainian


The main direction of the clinic is TREATMENT of chronic diseases and chronic inflammatory processes in the body. For this, the following fundamental concepts are used:

- the definition and treatment of not only the underlying disease, but also those disorders and inflammatory processes in other organs and systems of the body that led to it "root causes"

- Modern homeopathy is used for treatment, which allows to cure chronic inflammatory processes in the organs, restore their function, remove the infectious component of many inflammations (bacteria, viruses, helminths, etc.) without chemical loading on the body.

When treating with our homeopathic medicines, you can use the usual pharmacological drugs and we strongly do not recommend the intake of any dietary supplements and various food supplements.

In clinic is used modern homeopathy, which differs from the classical with following benefits:

  • Faster effect;
  • Taking drugs in a liquid form, with a neutral taste, which is convenient for the treatment of children;
  • Taking the drug only once a day, which is suitable for working people;
  • Outpatient treatment at home, and scheduled meetings with the doctor to correct the prescription of homeopathic medicines once a month, which accomodates treatment for non-residents and even residents of other countries;
  • The examination allows to establish mallfunction in the organs and systems of the body that are the root cause of a particular chronic disease, and the treatment is directed not only to the disease itself, but also to those organs and systems of the organism, the disorders in which led to this or these chronic diseases. 

Principles of the curative effect of modern homeopathy:

1. Removes inflammatory processes in the organs and systems of the body;

2. Recovers the function of organs (production of enzymes, hormones, secrets, elimination of toxins, etc.);

3. Restores the protective function (immunity) of organs and the whole organism;

4. Stimulates the production of specific antibodies, macrophages in organs and the body, which leads to the destruction of any chronic infection (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, helminths) and even those that are intracellularly (herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, trichomonads, etc.);

5. Directly heals the organ, which leads to its complete recovery and the absence of the concept of return of the disease, with the right way of life;

6. The therapeutic effect is directed simultaneously to a whole complex of organs and systems, which allows to affect the root cause of the development of a chronic disease;

7. Treatment leads to the restoration of the whole body, which prevents the development of new serious diseases.

8. Heals the causes of any allergic reaction in the body.

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Dignity & Respect
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Involvement in Decisions
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83.68 score/100
1 total votes
Ranked 101 / 4161 Clinics & 127 / 6726 Providers.
1 recommends
0 don't recommend

Reviews for Doctor Didevich Clinic

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This is the clinic of the homeopathy treatment, what  have helped for 4 members of my family including me and my 5 years child. 

All personal are very polite and сarefull.

Usually we are making appointments and only once I had to wait no longer than 20 minutes. I appreciate doctors punctuality, because  I need to came  from another country (Republic of Moldova).


The computer diagnostic service takes about 40 minutes and is acceptable for 5, 6 years child. Also, in this Clinic you can check what food fits for you and what does not. 

 In this way I've found nutrition intolerability to corn and menthol. 

Our medicines were preparing right there in Clinic's laboratory. We need just to wait 30 minutes. 

The homeopathic treatment from this clinic in 2 months have helped to my childs skin, giving possibility to avoid aggressive methods of orthodox therapy. 

My mother felt much better after treatment in this Clinic. Her headaches and menopause difficulties became rare. 

My father's stomach problem now are much more easier. 

All these improvements are reached without antibiotics, antihistamines and other rude methods. 

 Doctor Oleg Didevich managed to find common language with my 5year son. I strongly recommended this Clinic  in cases when you need to discover real reason of your unhealthy feeling.

Be healthy and joyful! 



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The service I received was excellent.
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My health has somewhat improved after receiving the services from the Doctor Didevich Clinic .
I recommend this clinic!
Kruhlouniversytetska St, 15, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01024
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