Conceber Centro De Reproduo Humana Fertility Clinic in Brazil

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Fertility Clinic



Av. Brasil, 3277 - Centro, Gov. Valadares - MG, 35010-360, Brazil


Welcome to Conceber Centro de Reprodução Humana! We are a leading medical institution specializing in IVF and infertility treatments. Our mission is to efficiently and ethically provide dignified, effective, and humane treatment to our patients, ensuring access to the most advanced treatments and technologies available in assisted human reproduction. As a trusted institution, we aim to become a national reference in reproductive medicine.

At Conceber, we understand the emotional and psychological aspects of infertility, and our approach goes beyond medical care. We prioritize the emotional and psychological well-being of our patients, offering personalized services and support throughout the process. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance to couples facing the challenge of infertility, combining science and art to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Leading our institution is Dr. Alessandro Schuffner, a highly qualified specialist in reproductive medicine. With multiple certifications in the field and extensive training at renowned international centers, Dr. Schuffner brings a wealth of expertise to our practice. He has published scientific articles and actively participates in the scientific community, ensuring that our institution stays at the forefront of advancements in reproductive medicine.

Our clinical body consists of a skilled and dedicated team of professionals, including doctors, nurses, and embryologists. Together, we work collaboratively to provide the highest quality care and individualized treatment plans for each patient. Our team understands the emotional strain that couples face during infertility treatment and is committed to respecting individual needs and creating a harmonious and supportive environment.

At Conceber, we offer a wide range of treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and assisted hatching, among others. We also provide diagnostic services and examinations to identify the causes of infertility, such as hormonal assessments, spermiograms, pelvic ultrasounds, and genetic tests.

Our success rates vary depending on individual cases, and we strive to provide the best possible chances of pregnancy for our patients. We understand that each couple's journey is unique, and we approach every case with personalized care and attention to detail.

If you're struggling with infertility, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experienced team. With the right information, support, and expertise, we can help you navigate the challenges of infertility and increase your chances of realizing your dream of having a child. Contact us today to take the first step towards building your family.

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Staff Cooperation
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Dignity & Respect
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Involvement in Decisions
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0 score/100
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ThoroughfareAv. Brasil, 3277 - Centro, Gov. Valadares - MG, 35010-360, Brazil
This Clinic is unverified - no representative is available.
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