Fertility Argentina Fertility Clinic in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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97.93 score/100
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Ranked 1 / 3775 Clinics & 1 / 5585 Providers.
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Provider Category

Provider Type

Fertility Clinic


Argentina, Buenos Aires


Viamonte 1432
C1055ABB Buenos Aires Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Spoken Languages

English, Spanish


Dr. Demián Glujovsky has been a senior attending physician at CEGYR for more than 15 years and he is the founder of Fertility Argentina, which is the department for international patients in CEGYR. Dr. Glujovsky is a reproductive endocrinologist in infertility, with a Master’s in Clinical and Health Care Effectiveness, with more than 35 papers published in peer-review journals and he works as editor in many scientific journals and networks such as Cochrane. CEGYR is an important clinic where the first IVF cycle in Argentina was performed in 1984. Nowadays, more than 1,500 IVF cycles are performed every year and our team takes care of most of the patients coming from abroad to our country (during the last 12 years we have taken care of 250 international patients per year). Cegyr, is part of the group Eugin, the largest network of IVF clinics in the world, with more than 45,000 IVF cycles per year.  We have the largest embryo lab in South America, and we do any type of treatment including IVF with own gametes and also with donor sperm and egg donation. And we also do preimplantation genetic screening with the most modern technology (Next-Generation Sequencing - NGS-). Besides, we freeze eggs to those women who want to do fertility preservation.

The clinic operates in accordance with the international protocols and using modern technology in charge of very well-trained embryologists. Dr. Demián Glujovsky takes care of each patient with an individual approach, making each of them feel as if they were at home. We think that a shared decision- making process is very important as it helps patients to better decide which treatments they want to undergo.

We have a large Egg Donor Program in Buenos Aires, Argentina (with ISO 9001 certification of quality). Every year, more than 550 women/couples receive donor eggs and more than half of them get pregnant in each cycle. Our clinical pregnancy rates are 60-65%. We have a program based on sharing FRESH donated oocytes. It means that one donor donates her oocyte cohort to one or more recipients. Although each recipient gets a minimum of 7 mature eggs (MII oocytes), the average is 8-9. We do ICSI to all of them. We guarantee to transfer at least one embryo in the blastocyst stage (the average is 3-4). It means that if we don´t get it, we go for a second donor with no additional cost. Besides, 85% of the recipients have more than one blastocyst and can freeze them for a second attempt. If the patient decides to do egg donation + preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-A), we guarantee to transfer at least one blastocyst that is chromosomally normal.

Contact Dr. Glujovsky at Fertility Argentina for an initial consultation. He will personally tell you all details of IVF treatment that you might need 

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Staff Cooperation
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Dignity & Respect
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Involvement in Decisions
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97.93 score/100
24 total votes
Ranked 1 / 3775 Clinics & 1 / 5585 Providers.
26 recommend
0 don't recommend

Reviews for Fertility Argentina

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Dr. Demian Glujovsky is very responsive, talented Dr. I needed Egg Donation and Blastocyst Transfer. The transfer was successful first time, and my baby was born last week. I'm from Canada. I was 49 when we started the process and started menopause during treatment, Dr. Demian took it all in stride and it was successful. 

Baby is happy and healthy, and way too cute. 

Recommend 100% 

Medical service(s) I needed was: Ivf With Egg Donation.
I went for a consultation, check-up and treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!

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Mi más sincero agradecimiento al dr. Demian Glujovsky, quien supo acompañarme en mi búsqueda de embarazo Río de la Plata mediante.

Llegué a el a través de una ex paciente suya (que es mamá)

Es un excelente profesional pero también es una persona muy empatica, algo que es necesario en este proceso tan duro que es la fertilidad asistida.

Demián siempre ha estado dispuesto a responder mis preguntas en cualquier momento del dia. 

I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Dr. Demián Glujovsky is truly an outstanding fertility specialist who stands out in his field. His unique combination of medical expertise, empathy, and dedication to patient care makes him one of the most remarkable professionals I've encountered.What sets Dr. Glujovsky apart is his genuine care for his patients. He approaches each case with a level of empathy and understanding that goes beyond typical doctor-patient interactions. His patience in explaining complex medical procedures and answering questions is remarkable, ensuring that patients feel fully informed and at ease throughout their fertility journey.Dr. Glujovsky's expertise is evident in his data-driven approach and commitment to evidence-based medicine.

He stays at the forefront of reproductive technology, incorporating cutting-edge techniques and technologies to provide the best possible outcomes for his patients. His work with international patients demonstrates his global perspective and ability to cater to diverse needs.Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Glujovsky recognizes the emotional and financial weight of fertility treatments.

He approaches these sensitive topics with compassion, working tirelessly to ensure his patients feel supported and confident in their decisions. His dedication extends beyond office hours, as he remains accessible and responsive to his patients' concerns.Dr. Glujovsky's leadership at CEGYR and his contributions to the field of reproductive medicine are truly commendable. His numerous publications, involvement in international medical societies, and commitment to ongoing research showcase his passion for advancing the field.

Dr. Demián Glujovsky is not just a skilled physician, but a compassionate guide through the complex world of fertility treatment. His combination of medical excellence, empathy, and patient-centered care makes him an exceptional choice for anyone seeking fertility assistance. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Glujovsky to anyone in need of a truly outstanding fertility specialist.

Medical service(s) I needed was: Fertility Treatment, Ivf With Gender Selection.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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No tengo más que palabras de agradecimiento para el doctor, Demian Glujovsky.

Luego de varios intentos en otros centros de fertilidad  y sin suerte con ayuda de algunas malas decisiones .

Nos cruzamos con Demian y el 4 de julio, nació mi primer hijo, tuve la suerte de caer en las manos indicadas. Recomiendo la atención y calidez por sobre todo.

Nueva mente muchas gracias .


Medical service(s) I needed was: Ivf With Icsi.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Solo palabras de agradecimiento para nuestro médico Demián Glujovsky, gracias a él hoy tenemos con nosotros a nuestra bebita tan deseada Sarah. 

Medical service(s) I needed was: In Vitro Fertilization.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Very helpful and professional team, led by Dr Demian who is excellent. He helped with IVF and achieved great result from the first try. Highly recommended.

Medical service(s) I needed was: Ivf With Egg Donation.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I didn't have an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Sólo palabras de agradecimiento al doctor Demian Glujovsky quien nos acompañó en el proceso del tratamiento fiv con mucha tranquilidad y empatía, sabiendo responder a todas nuestras dudas de forma profesional y humana. Excelente profesional. Lo recomendaría siempre. 

I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Me fue mal en mi primer trat en otra institución. Tuve una pésima experiencia: frialdad absoluta. Me llevo + de 1 año levantarme del golpe. Decidí encarar en 2do trat y después de relevar, Llegue a cegyr x varias recomendaciones y puntualmente con el Dr demian Glujovsky. Ya desde como te reciben en cegyr hace a la diferencia. Siempre con una sonrisa. Todo mega organizado (clave simplificarnos la vida con trámites y turnos). Demian siempre fue todo: cálido, empatico, profesional y 100% disponible siempre. Me sentí acompañada y contenida en todo momento. No solo le estoy 100% agradecida sino también, se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo!!!! Hasta asistencia terapéutica me dieron.

La calidez, empatía y profesionalismo son 3 principales atributos de los infinitos y tienen!

Medical service(s) I needed was: In Vitro Fertilization.
I went for a consultation, second opinion and treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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A todas las parejas que transitan por este largo y dificil camino, les recomiendo no dejar de consultar con el Dr. Demián Glujovsky, un profesional dedicado a la ciencia, investigación y apasionado por lo que hace. Su predisposición, trato y seguimiento durante todo el proceso es impecable. Desde la primera entrevista en donde analiza los estudios previos (si es que poseen) es muy objetivo con lo que se puede o no lograr. Claro está, que cada paciente presenta características propias biológicas y de todo tipo que harán que las estadisticas y las tasas de éxito o fracaso varien.

Nosotros nos atendimos con Demián en el centro Cegyr, un centro que siempre está a la vanguardia de la tecnología e innovación, este mes cumplió 40 años de trayectoria, donde todo esta muy cuidado desde los tiempos de espera, hasta la cordialidad de todo, absolutamente todo el personal. Hemos pasado por otros centros en donde el tiempo de las pacientes no era de vital importancia, agendas sobresaturadas, salas de esperas llenas, y sentir que muchas veces todo es un comercio, todo eso en Cegyr no pasa! es otra experiencia. Hacen del largo camino, uno mas llevadero comenzando por respetar a las pacientes. En Cegyr y de la mano del Dr. Glujovsky no es solo el resultado, sino el proceso y el trayecto que lo hace una experiencia única y altamente recomendable. 

A todos lo que siguen en el camino a no bajar los brazos que: ¡Siempre que exista vida hay esperanza!. 

Mi agradecimiento al Dr. Demián y un hasta pronto.

Medical service(s) I needed was: In Vitro Fertilization.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
I recommend this clinic!
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I had a very good experience with Dr. Glujovsky and Cegyr. First off they responded very quickly when I first contacted them (two other clinics I had also contacted never replied). They guided me well through all the paperwork and procedures. Getting appointments for the ultrasounds, blood tests, etc, was always easy and they always responded quickly. If I wanted to do things a certain way Dr. Glujovsky was willing to listen and adjust the protocol accordingly. I am now 22wk pregnant with a little girl thanks to him. Overall a great experience and I recommand them.

Medical service(s) I needed was: In Vitro Fertilization.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Realmente estamos muy contentos de que se haya cumplido nuestro sueño!!
Primeramente agradecer al Dr Demian Glujovsky que fue nuestro médico de cabecera y a todo su equipo, tan profesionales como humanos, que nos hicieron sentir realmente contenidos en todo momento.
Estamos muy agradecidos!!!

Medical service(s) I needed was: In Vitro Fertilization.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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En la busqueda de ser papas después de los 40 años tuvimos la suerte  de encontarnos en el camino al Dr Demian Glujovsky en CEGYR (nos recomendaron por lo profesional y por lo humano del trato que en momentos tan sensibles son igual de importante), desde el primer contacto siempre con un trato muy humano y profesional, a pesar de la distancia (somos de Uruguay) el contacto  fue muy fluido. Nos transmitió seguridad y confianza durante todo el tratamiento, nos mantuvo informado en las diferentes etapas que tuvimos que transitar sin falsas expectativas y sin  olvidar lo emocional (con acompañamiemto psicológico) lo que nos hizo más fácil el camino. Tuve un embarazo  a término sin complicaciones. 

Y ese día tan soñado llegó!!  Somos Padres!!

Gracias Demian por ayudarnos a formar una familia


I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has did not improve after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Hicimos un tratamiento para lograr un embarazo con el Dr Demian Glujovsky en 2019, quien siempre nos atendió con mucha calidez y dándonos todas las explicaciones y la contención que necesitábamos en una situación tan difícil para una pareja, nosotros veníamos de muchos intentos fallidos en otra clínica. En ese primer tratamiento con Demian logramos ser padres por primera vez, lo más esperado en nuestras vidas, ahora volvimos a consultar con Demian para empezar un nuevo tratamiento, queremos ser padres otra vez, y poder darle un hermano a nuestra hija. 

Medical service(s) I needed was: Ivf With Icsi.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
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Esta reseña la escribo para todas las personas que están deseando ser Madres y se le está haciendo difícil como me paso a mi. Durante 4 años de mi vida hicimos con mi marido 7 tratamientos entre inseminaciones e in vitro con resultados negativos, pasamos por varios centros y médicos de fertilidad, algunas experiencias normales, otras no tan buenas y algunas muy malas. Cuando ya decidimos vender todo e irnos USA a probar ahí, una conocida me dijo anda a Cegyr antes de irte. Pedí turno con el Doctor Demian Glujovsky, fue así como llegamos a él que nos cambio la vida para siempre, desde el momento que entre en Cegyr fue otra cosa, desde la persona que nos recibió en la puerta, la recepcionista, las secretarias, la enfermera que te acompaña en la punción y transferencia, todoooo fue un placer, ni hablar del Doctor que nos explico todo con tanto amor y seguridad que desde ese momento me entregue y senti que estaba en buenas manos y que habia llegado al lugar correcto. Lleve todo lo que había hecho hasta ese momento y con algunos estudios mas que te haces ahí genéticos en el 2019 quede embarazada de mi primer hijo Silvestre, hoy estoy esperando a mi segunda hija también producto de un segundo tratamiento en Cegyr con Demian. No tengo mas que palabras de agradecimiento a todas las perdonas que trabajan ahí, ni hablar de que es un placer que te hacen todo en Cegyr, análisis de sangre, beta estudios genéticos, estudio del embrión etc. Estoy dispuesto a contarles mi experiencia con mas detalle a quien lo necesite porque yo se lo que es sentir esa angustia y vacio de no logar el deseo tan profundo de ser Madre,[email protected] . Fuerza chicas y confíen que Cegyr y mi Doc son de lo mejor que hay en Argentina! Besos a todas ya no bajar los brazos los tiempos de Dios son perfectos.

I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
I recommend this clinic!
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My husband and I had a fantastic experience with CEGYR. We had been making plans to do IVF in the Czech Republic for over a year when suddenly the war in Eastern Europre broke out so we scrambled to find another clinic. We spoke with Dr. Demian Glujovsky and immediately felt confident that we could do IVF at CEGYR. He was able to take us on from where we ended things with the clinic in Prague. He responded to all of our inquiries very quickly, thoroughly and in a way that was easy for us to understand. Once we got to Buenos Aires everything with the clinic went very smoothly and was very professional. The procedure was successful and we are expecting our little one in February. Thank you so much to Dr. Glujovsky and all of the staff at CEGYR. We are so grateful!

Medical service(s) I needed was: Ivf With Egg Donation.
I went for a consultation and treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
I recommend this clinic!
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After much tedious research, we found Dr. Demián Glujovsky at Fertility Argentina. We consider ourselves so lucky to have found him and this excellent clinic. His care, enthusiasm and expertise, the professionalism and kindness of the staff, as well as the cultural richness of Argentina (a true bonus) all made for an amazing experience. From all of this resulted the birth of our beautiful baby less than nine months later. We will always be grateful to FA for helping us have the family that we wanted for such a long time. My husband and I strongly recommend Fertility Argentina without any reservations. Thank you, Fertility Argentina for everything! 

Medical service(s) I needed was: Ivf With Egg Donation, Embryo Freezing.
I went for a consultation, check-up and treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
replied to sueandjohn
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Thanks so much for your review. I am really happy to know that you had such a nice experience and that you got pregnant so soon. Enjoy your baby!! :)

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I could not recommend Demian high enough.  I had been trying to firstly get pregnant with a viable embryo and then actually have a living baby for 15 years.  We had so many failed attempts over that time but now I am 31 weeks pregnant and everything is going extremely well and not one problem with the baby so far.   We came to Demian for a donor egg and had the embryo's genetically tested.  I would highly recommend this extra test/expense as we were travelling from Australia and this guarantee reduced the level of stress and increased our certainty and made us more comfortable travelling all that way for a healthy embryo.  The experience of the actual embryo transfer was also very pleasant as Demian is a very compassionate doctor and the level of contact he provides throughout the experience is nothing I’ve seen before and really makes things so much less stressful which is very important at that time.

Medical service(s) I needed was: Ivf With Egg Donation.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
replied to Vanessa
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Thanks Vanessa for these nice words. I am really happy to see you pregnant and see that. you are so happy. Stay safe and email me in some few weeks after the birth. Warm regards!!!

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Nuestras familias, nosotros, Lorenzo y Julieta (los bebitos que tanto deseamos y que nos ayudaste a conseguir) siempre estaremos agradecidos por tu profesionalidad, tu humanidad y el gran equipo que forman allí en en la clínica.

La verdad es que aún no podemos creerlo... pero nos pellizcamos y no es un sueño, ya es una hermosa realidad, MUCHAS GRACIAS!

Abrazo enorme...

Jesús Reu

Montevideo, Uruguay

Medical service(s) I needed was: In Vitro Fertilization.
I went for a treatment.
I have received the requested service(s).
I had an appointment.
The service I received was excellent.
I had no complications after the treatment.
My health has significantly improved after receiving the services from the Fertility Argentina.
I recommend this clinic!
More than 250 international patients every year
Most of our patients come from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, some countries of Europe and South America

Packages, Promos & Coupons

Postal codeC1055ABB
CityBuenos Aires
StateCiudad de Buenos Aires
Viamonte 1432
This clinic has a representative.
Demian Glujovsky represents Fertility Argentina and will reply to all your messages in a while.

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