Spire Elland Hospital Hospital in United Kingdom

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88.63 score/100
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Ranked 13 / 1228 Hospitals & 97 / 5585 Providers.
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United Kingdom


Elland Ln, Elland HX5 9EB, UK
United Kingdom


Our standards

We are one of the first private healthcare providers to publicize clinical performance and patient reported results on our website.

Clinical performance

We care for our patients and GPs to make informed choices, for that reason we are one of the first private hospitals to publish clinical performance and patient reported outcomes on our website including information on our rates of MRSA blood infection and clostridium difficile infection. This is only one part of our programme to enhance our already high standards of clinical quality and safety. We're proud of the cleanliness of our hospitals and centres.

All Spire hospitals are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and are required to meet the rigorous standards set for registered hospitals. As part of their inspection programme, the CQC asks if every service they survey is safe, successful, caring, well-led and responsive to people's needs. This involves the quality and safety of treatment, cleanliness of the hospitals, staff recruitment and training and information available to patients. 


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Our Partners

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No insurance companies as partners specified yet.

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Rating Summary
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Staff Cooperation
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Dignity & Respect
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Involvement in Decisions
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88.63 score/100
1 total votes
Ranked 13 / 1228 Hospitals & 97 / 5585 Providers.
1 recommends
0 don't recommend

Reviews for Spire Elland Hospital

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I had 2 laporoscopies at Elland Hospital with Mr Trehan, both were long and complicated interventions. Eveything healed successfully afterwards without any antibiotics and my quality of life improved beyond words, it was life-changing. The hospital was welcoming with a nice reception area and lovely and very supporting nurses that helped me a lot and comforted me when I was stressed before the surgeries and afterwards. There are some convenient Holiday Inn hotels nearby with restaurants that we stayed at before and after the surgery.

Medical service(s) I needed was: Laparoscopy or Minimally Invasive Surgery.
I went for a operation.
I have received the requested service(s).
I recommend this hospital!
CountryUnited Kingdom
Elland Ln, Elland HX5 9EB, UK
This Hospital is unverified - no representative is available.
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