Laiko General Hospital Of Athens Hospital in Greece

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The "People's Hospital of Athens" as it was its original name, is a hospital that is a special presence, with the action of about 70 years, in the fight to addressing the plans of the politicians of the 1930s was the need for a hospital for the treatment of the sick, mainly the inhabitants of the city of Athens without financial discrimination. This location was considered more suitable as it was outside the city, in a better environment, quiet, healthy, and away from city noise. In 1933 the Prime Minister Panagis Tsaldaris agreed with the proposal of the Professors of the Medical School of the University of Athens to establish a hospital for needy citizens. During the presidency of the Republic of Alexandros Zaimis on September 2, 1933, Law 5746 was passed by the Parliament and the Senate for the establishment and organization of the hospital belonged to the jurisdiction of the then Ministry of State Hygiene and Perception and was a Legal Entity under Public Law.

The mission of the hospital is:

The provision of hospital care to every incoming person in need.

·          The benefit is given equally (in the sense of gravity, which requires only cases of the same gravity to be treated equally) and regardless of economic, social, racial, religious or other discrimination.

The purpose of the Hospital is (Government Gazette 698 / BD / 28-03-2013)

· The provision of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary health care to the population of responsibility of the 1st RAE Attica, as well as to patients referred by other RAE. Health care is provided equally to every citizen regardless of their financial, social, and professional status, according to the rules of the National Health System and Social Security.

·  The specialization, continuous education, and the training of doctors, nurses, and other health professions, with the development and implementation of similar educational programs. The education of students of the medical departments of the University of Athens, as well as of the students of other related departments.

· The development and promotion of health research. In this direction, it implements and develops research programs and collaborates with other relevant bodies, as well as international organizations, scientific and research centers.

· The cooperation with the hospitals and other health units of the health district for the development and upgrade of the provided health care in general and in particular in terms of the implementation of educational programs, as well as special programs of study and evaluation of issues related to the field of health in 1st RAE.

·The implementation of new methods and forms of care, aiming at the effective promotion of citizens' health.

· The development of procedures that facilitate the strategic goals set by the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, the 1st Ministry of Health of Attica, and the Board of Directors of the Hospital.

The vision of the Hospital is:

·  The provision of high-quality health services to all oncoming people, through the innovation and cooperation of the specialized human resources at its disposal, in order to be recognized by the patients, the community, and the staff for its optimal operation and immediate service.

The values ​​of the Hospital are:

Ethics: The behavior of each employee is sought to be manifested by ethical practices, such as selflessness, justice, respect for man, etc.
Information: Supports the complete and thorough information of patients about their problems.
Support: The support of patients and their families is sought.
Professionalism: The professionalism of employees is promoted and recognized, resulting from the spirit of cooperation, organizational logic, trust, and mutual respect.

Continuous improvement, in order to encourage creativity, the undertaking of initiatives, innovation, the monitoring, and the continuous self-evaluation of the procedures and the results of our Hospital.

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Dignity & Respect
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Involvement in Decisions
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