Clinical Institute For Reproductive Medicine Pleven Fertility Clinic in Pleven, Bulgaria

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Fertility Clinic


Bulgaria, Pleven


ul. "General Skobelev" 20, Pleven Center,
5804 Pleven


The Clinical Institute for Reproductive Medicine "St. Elisaveta" in Pleven, Bulgaria was founded in 2007 by two doctors who sought to offer specialized care for couples struggling with infertility. The center has grown to include a team of 70 specialists in various fields, including obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, andrology, and embryology. The center's state-of-the-art equipment allows for comprehensive examinations, consultations, and diagnostics for a range of reproductive health issues.

The center's success rates for fresh embryo transfers were 43% in 2021 and 42% in 2020, with 1700 children born through assisted reproduction methods. The center's success is due in part to its individualized approach to patient care, with complex diagnostics and conservative therapy options available in addition to assisted reproductive methods like IVF, ICSI, and IUI.

The center's Urology and Andrology offices provide specialized consultation and procedures for male reproductive problems, while the Medical Genetics office offers genetic testing for reproductive pathology, congenital anomalies, and inherited diseases. The DiagnosisNOME Diagnosis office offers immunological testing to diagnose immunological risk factors associated with reproductive failure. At the same time, the Gastroenterology Office provides diagnosis and treatment for patients with gastroenterological and liver diseases.

The center's Egg Donation Program uses frozen, quarantined semen samples for donor insemination in cases of male infertility, blood-borne diseases, and for homosexual couples and women without partners. Donor eggs are also available for women with ovarian malformations, cancer survivors, those with inherited diseases, poor response to hormonal stimulation, and those in premature menopause. Egg donors are carefully selected based on set criteria and are reimbursed for expenses incurred during the donation process.

The IVF/ICSI procedure involves preliminary examinations and tests to determine if a couple is a suitable candidate for assisted reproductive technology. Medication may be administered to eliminate infection and inflammation and to stimulate the ovaries, followed by monitoring follicular development, oocyte maturity, and expected ovulation. The IVF/ICSI process includes follicular puncture, semen collection, in vitro fertilization or ICSI, embryo transfer, and monitoring after the procedure.

IUI, or intrauterine insemination, is a fertility treatment where concentrated sperm is directly injected into a woman's uterus. Hormone medication is often used to stimulate the ovaries and produce multiple eggs, and the success rate is higher in women who don't ovulate spontaneously. Donor insemination is sometimes used, and the success rate is low in women over 40 or with low ovarian reserve.

The Clinical Institute for Reproductive Medicine "St. Elisaveta" offers comprehensive care for couples struggling with infertility, including a range of diagnostic and treatment options for male and female infertility and donor sperm and egg programs. The center's experienced specialists and state-of-the-art equipment ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care and individualized treatment plans.

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Postal code5804
ul. "General Skobelev" 20, Pleven Center,
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