CERFH Parana Centro de Estudios de Reproducción y Fertilidad Humana Fertility Clinic in Paraná, Argentina

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Fertility Clinic


Argentina, Paraná


Pres. Juan Domingo Perón 541, Entre Ríos

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We are a specialized center with more than 20 years of experience in reproductive health.

CERFH is made up of specialized medical professionals, with vast experience and constantly updated.

Why choose us?

CERFH is the first highly complex fertility center in the region, with more than 20 years of experience.

Our philosophy is to provide our patients with scientific quality and human warmth.

The most successful techniques and the lowest risks in the areas of prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of reproductive problems require that we focus on permanent medical updating in the country and abroad.

Our long history of ethics and transparency allows us to work in a responsible and committed way with our patients with professional excellence, scientific quality, and human warmth.

Our center grows day by day in proportion to our effort and the knowledge acquired and we continue to bet on many more children, with dedication and love for what we do.

We use advanced technology

In Vitro Fertilization, ICSI, and genetic studies.

We are the only center in the region accredited by SAMER

Argentine Society of Reproductive Medicine

Our Fertility Treatments

Genetic study of embryos. PGT 

It is a study that allows evaluating the embryo before transferring into the uterus to detect possible alterations in the number or composition of its chromosomes (aneuploidies), or genetic abnormalities.

Why carry out the study?

Because the choice of euploid embryos increases the probability of implantation and improves the success rates in IVF. Embryos that have no chromosome abnormalities are more likely to result in a full-term pregnancy and a healthy baby. Another reason would be the decrease in abortion rates since the most frequent cause of abortion is the genetic alteration of the embryos. The genetic study of the embryo is also indicated in couples with a genetic disease who want to avoid the risk of transmission to their future children.

When to carry out the study?

✓ Mother> 35 years old

✓ Repeated failures in implantation

✓ Repetition of abortions

✓ Severe male infertility

✓ Transmissible genetic disease

Genetic tests that can be done before you get pregnant or before the baby is born

- Preimplantation Genetic Study or PGT

- Fetal DNA in Maternal Blood "BabyGen"

- Genetic study of recessive mutations in the Couple or CGT

In Vitro Fertilization | IVF / ICSI

In Vitro Fertilization is the union of the ovum with the sperm in the fertility laboratory, in order to obtain embryos to transfer to the mother's uterus and to evolve until achieving a pregnancy. The fertilization of the ovules can be carried out by means of the conventional IVF technique or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection according to the degree of alteration of the semen. Ovarian stimulation is started with oral and/or injectable mediation and ultrasound controls are carried out to determine the best time to extract the eggs in the operating room under transvaginal anesthesia. Once obtained, they are joined in the laboratory with the sperm from the partner or from the bank, and the embryos are cultured for 3 to 5 days and then transferred to the uterus.

When is it indicated?

✓ When the passage of the ovum to the uterus is blocked by alteration of the fallopian tubes

✓ multiple failed low-complexity treatments

✓ decreased ovarian reserve or advanced reproductive age

✓ severe endometriosis

✓ moderate or severe alteration of the semen

✓ need for genetic study of the embryos prior to embryo transfer


Many of the women and men who are diagnosed with cancer want to preserve their fertility. For this, there are different techniques available such as the preservation of eggs, ovarian tissue, or semen depending on each case. Timely intervention improves the mood and quality of life of the patients.

Donated eggs and sperm donation 

Semen donation is an in vitro fertilization treatment in which donor sperm is used to form embryos with the patient's eggs. It is performed in single women who wish to have children or partners in whom the quality of the semen or the function of the testicle is seriously compromised.

Egg donation is an in vitro fertilization treatment in which eggs from a donor woman are fertilized with the semen of a recipient woman's husband. It is performed in couples in which the woman does not have ovaries or they do not have a sufficient quantity or quality of eggs. Whatever the condition, the information is absolutely confidential.

Treatments with donated semen or eggs are an anonymous procedure for both recipients and donors.

When is it indicated? 

✓ Ovarian failure

✓ Precocious menopause (before 40 years)

✓ Advanced reproductive age

✓ Low ovarian reserve

✓ Failure of previous treatment due to poor oocyte and/or embryonic quality

✓ Severe alteration of the functioning of the testicle or semen

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Pres. Juan Domingo Perón 541, Entre Ríos
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