Developing Telemedicine hackathon style

MTReview Announcements
Topic started by nicoleta-nagailic on 04/29/2020 - 21:08
Telemedicine MedicalTourism.Review

To Implement the promised Telemedicine and Appointment tools for patients and medical institutions around the world we worked hackathon-style!

Literally we enrolled in a hackathon event #EUvsVirus and hacked for a weekend to implement telemedicine tools for our community as fast as possible. 


To see details and the results of the project you can visit our project here Tele.MedicalTourism.Review


Thanks to the support of the organizers - European society and the European Commission we got amazing support and developed the final prototype which is planned to be released in 2 weeks! 

Clinics and Hospitals that want to participate in testing and using this tool please fill this form and we will get in touch with you. 


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MTR Telemedicine Design Discussion

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