User Profile: Costa Rica Dental Clinic Lab.
OtherFew words from Costa Rica Dental Clinic Lab.
When it comes to your gums and teeth we are really the only option here at Costa Rica. All dental work is done in house, nothing is contracted outside our office and you will see that our prices are the most reasonable in Costa Rica. We have a great team of specialist and dental technicians that have certifications from the United States and worldwide, and some have practice their profession in the United States. The materials we use are the highest quality, therefore you, our patient, can recommend us to your family and friends. Our work is guarantee for five year, at no costs to you for any replacement. Our staff understands that knowing what to expect can help make any dental appointment more pleasant for you and your family. We invite you to look through the valuable information on our website to acquaint yourself with our professional team and dental services.
Costa Rica Dental Clinic Lab has a lot of experience with foreigners and designing new smiles. Our service is completely personalized and for this reason we have our own Dental Lab, a specialist for every step of your treatment, and a Pharmacy.