
Definition - chemotherapy refers to the use of medicines or drugs (also called cytostatic drugs) to treat cancer by destroying the cancer cells. 

How does it work?

The cancer cells, as the healthy ones, grow and divide quickly. When cancer spreads, it harms the healthy cells, such as blood, intestinal and hair growth cells. Chemotherapy aims to stop or slow down the growth of cancer cells. However, in the process, chemotherapy damages the healthy ones too, thus causing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of hair, immunosuppression, a decrease of white or red blood cells, platelets, etc. 

Chemotherapy can:

  • Make a tumor smaller before surgery or radiotherapy;
  • Destroy the remaining cancer cells after surgery and/or radiotherapy;
  • Destroy metastatic cancer cells that may spread to other parts of the body, or destroy the recurring growth of cancer cells;
  • While not removing it completely, chemotherapy can control tumor growth;
  • Help improve the body’s response to radiotherapy and biological therapy;
  • Increase the quality of life by reducing an inoperable tumor that causes pain and may compress other organs.

Chemotherapy can either cure (by destroying completely the tumor and cancer cells in your body), or control the growth of cancer cells (by slowing down the tumor growth or stopping cancer cells from spreading to the healthy organs). Sometimes, chemotherapy can ease the symptoms through palliative care.

What are the risks? 

  • Chemotherapy might not destroy the tumor;
  • Chemotherapy also destroys healthy cells and causes nausea, vomiting, bowel problems, immunosuppression, hair loss, etc.;
  • Some types of drugs can cause infertility;
  • Abortion is recommended at early stages of pregnancy because chemotherapy is teratogenic to the fetus;
  • The constant risk of recurrent tumors.

What to expect while undergoing chemotherapy?

Usually, the drugs are administered intravenously. Sometimes oral administration or mixt (oral-intravenous) schemes will be applied. In rare cases, there would be a regional (topical), intra-arterial, intraperitoneal and intrathecal administration of chemotherapy drugs.

How to get ready for chemotherapy? 

First of all, you should consult an oncologist that will prescribe the treatment. Specific chemotherapy drugs will be used for different types of cancer. Also, the oncologist will decide on the dosage and the duration of the therapy. It is very important to undergo prescribed medical tests (multiple blood tests) before initiating chemotherapy. Then, the oncologist will determine if the patient can handle the treatment.

How long does chemotherapy last?

Chemotherapy is usually administered in cycles. One cycle can take up to 3 weeks and more. The drug is administered on the first day, followed by a 20-day break. Longer or shorter cycles can also be prescribed, as cycles of 1, 2, 3 or 6 weeks with a minimal dosage used daily. Many individual options are available and therefore should be discussed with an oncologist.

Recovering after chemotherapy

Because of the weakening effects of the therapy, it is highly recommended to have plenty of rest and a healthy diet. Avoid flu or colds because the immune system is weak and can’t fight even the most inoffensive infection. Seek help with a professional therapist if you develop depression due to the disease, hair loss, or loss of appetite.  Do not deny the support of your family and friends.


Providers that provide Chemotherapy Service

Providers Score Reviews Location
Not Rated
0 Trinidad and Tobago
Swslhd - Campbelltown And Camden Hospitals
Not Rated
0 Australia
Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick
Not Rated
0 Australia
Tahe Fertilidad
Not Rated
0 Spain
Taipei Medical University-wan Fang Hospital
Not Rated
0 Taiwan
Tan Tock Seng Hospital (ttsh)
Not Rated
0 Singapore
Tata Memorial Hospital
Not Rated
0 India
Test Tube Baby Clinic
Not Rated
0 India
Texas Center For Reproductive Health
Not Rated
0 United States
The Augusta Victoria Hospital
Not Rated
0 Israel
The Budwig Center
Not Rated
0 Spain
The Center For Reproductive Medicine
Not Rated
0 United States
The Centre For Assisted Fertilisation
Not Rated
0 Italy
The Dental Specialists
Not Rated
0 India
The Dr Marc Mueller Clinic
Not Rated
0 United Arab Emirates
The Fertility Institutes
Not Rated
0 United States
The Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute (hupti)
Not Rated
0 United States
The Institute For Advanced Reconstruction
Not Rated
0 United States
The Karen Hospital
Not Rated
0 Kenya
The Kinghorn Cancer Centre
Not Rated
0 Australia