Biodimiourgia Ivf Fertility Clinic in Greece
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In the In Vitro Fertilization Unit Bio-creation and under the direction of the specialist in infertility issues Dr. Michalis Bobotis, for eighteen consecutive years, we treat with responsibility and respect, your desire to bring a child into the world.
Since the birth of Louis Brown in 1978 in England (the first child of IVF), many couples have managed to have children and make their dream come true.
With responsibility and sensitivity, our primary concern is the full information of the couple that will come to us, around the issue that concerns them. We apply individualized treatment methods, respecting the particularities and requirements of each case.
The scientific specialization, the constant information about the latest developments in the field of assisted reproduction, as well as the administrative integrity of our team, make our Unit one of the most successful in terms of percentages.
Together we can overcome the problem of infertility, finding new ways to leave frustration behind.
To date, with our help, more than 5,000 children have been born with IVF. Our method, the individualized approach to infertility, bears fruit in a short time, with the appropriate instructions from the specialized gynecologist Dr. Michalis Bobotis and the clinical embryologist Dr. Isabella Spyropylou.
Just a few years ago, the dream of having a child was unfortunately impossible for many couples, because "nature" deprived them of this possibility. Today, modern medical technology with assisted reproduction provides the majority of infertile couples with the opportunity to create what they dream of and are entitled to a family of their own.
Twenty-five years of experience in the field of assisted reproduction, have contributed to the development of philosophy, according to which the couple is at the center of all our activities. The mission of Bio-creation and Dr. Michael Bobotis personally is to provide infertile couples with the desired result, following international medical standards, providing modern medical technology services, in a humane and warm environment.
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