What surrogate mother means? How it happens, are there risks?

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Topic started by crisguci on 12/07/2018 - 15:04

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A surrogate mother is a woman who agreed to bear a child for another person or a couple. Usually, the agreement is based on legal matters. There are two types of surrogacy. The Traditional one is when the woman is impregnated with the sperm of the father and even though she is related to the child, the father will raise the baby after birth, as stated in their agreement. The other kind of surrogacy is Gestational when the pregnancy happens via in vitro fertilization. The embryo is implanted into the surrogate mother, this meaning she will not be related to the baby at all. There can always be risks with surrogacy, and it is not legal everywhere. Some countries where surrogacy is legal are Ukraine, Cyprus, Georgia, Russia, India, etc. You should choose a trustworthy clinic and check the law regulations of surrogacy in the countries it is available and in your country as well because sometimes parents can have legal difficulties with their newborn when returning to their home country and trying to get the baby a birth certificate, make sure this will not be the case for you. I hope this helped.

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It's basicallly a woman carries your baby, I'm not sure about the details, but te riscs is that she might not want to give up the baby, but I'm njot sure how that works either.