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Dental Surgery
Bone grafting is often closely associated with dental restorations such as bridge work and dental implants. In the majority of cases, the success of a restoration procedure can hinge on the height,...
Gum treatment
Periodontal disease (gum disease) is common and can be treated properly by our dental team at Dental Implants Center. Periodontal treatments depend on the gum disease type and the severity of it. If...
Cosmetic dentistry center
While they don’t promote increased functionality, they do benefit many patients who have a less than desirable smile. Whether you are receiving veneers, tooth bonding, teeth whitening, or Invisalign...
Invisalign is a dental procedure that corrects multiple issues for patients of all ages. It can correct orthodontic issues like spacing and crowding. Clear braces are a simple procedure after a...
Forfait de la FIV DO Econome
Le Forfait Econome inclut une tentative de la FIV avec don d'ovocytes, les frais médicaux, la rémuénration de la donneuse, don de sperme si besoin, le logement, les repas, les transports, l'...
IVF DO Double Package
The Double Package includes two IVF attempts with oocyte donation, medical costs, re-donation of the donor, sperm donation if necessary, accommodation, meals, transport, assistance from the French-...
IVF DO package Guaranteed success
The Guaranteed Success Package includes five attempts at IVF with oocyte donation, medical costs, donor remuneration, sperm donation if necessary, accommodation, meals, transportation, assistance...
Forfait de la FIV avec don de mitochondries Chance
Le Forfait Chahnce inclut une tentative de la FIV avec don de mitochondries, les frais médicaux, la rémuénration de la donneuse, don de sperme si besoin, le logement, les repas, les transports, l'...
Forfait de la FIV avec don de mitochondries Double chance
Le Forfait Double chance inclut deux tentatives de la FIV avec don de mitochondries, les frais médicaux, la rémuénration de la donneuse, don de sperme si besoin, le logement, les repas, les...
Forfait de la FIV avec don de mitochondries Chance idéal
Le Forfait Chance idéal inclut cinq tentatives de la FIV avec don de mitochondries, les frais médicaux, la rémuénration de la donneuse, don de sperme si besoin, le logement, les repas, les transports...
* All On 4 System* - Upper & Lower Special - Limited Offer
Upper and Lower All on Four Implants over Acrylic’s Hybrids Bar for a limited time* This procedure requires two stages four months apart, and payments are made in two stages. First trip payment: $9,...
Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection
Physical therapy and other treatments for neck pain can take time. But you don’t have to suffer with cervical pain while you undergo therapy. Instead of waiting for the pain and discomfort to go away...
Lower Back Pain Treatment NYC
Lumbar pain, whether it’s lower left back pain or lower right back pain, can really cramp your style. The good news is that lower back pain relief is close at hand. When you seek chronic pain...
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery in NYC
Before the tremendous advancements made in minimally invasive spine surgery, your only option to relieve back pain was either taking dangerous opioids or facing open surgery that often left you with...
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in NYC
Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints pain doctors hear every year. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 80 percent of the U.S. population...
Sciatic nerve surgery
Pain and tingling from your lower back to your legs and feet are symptoms of sciatica. You may feel some or all of these symptoms. No matter where you feel the pain, having it treated promptly...
Hair Transplantation for Maximum Grafts
- 3 nights of single accommodation at a luxurious hotel (breakfast included) - Maximum number of grafts with FUE method - Hair transplantation with guarantee certificate up to 5000 grafts - Airport...
Breast Surgeries
- 4 nights of single accommodation at a luxurious hotel (breakfast included) - 1 night hospital stay - Airport transfers with VIP car - Personal host (reachable 24 hours during your stay in Turkey...
Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)
- 6 nights of single accommodation at a luxurious hotel (breakfast included) - 1-night hospital stay - Airport transfers with VIP car - Personal host (reachable 24 hours during your stay in Turkey...
BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)
- 5 nights of single accommodation at a luxurious hotel (breakfast included) - 1-night hospital stay - Airport transfers with VIP car - Personal host (reachable 24 hours during your stay in Turkey...