Jun Progress Updates - Get Quotes From Patients

MTReview Announcements
Topic started by nicoleta-nagailic on 07/06/2020 - 15:56
Jun Progress Updates - Get Quotes From Patients

Hello health geeks!
We have some interesting progress to share for Patients and for Medical Institutions. 

We are focusing now on getting you tools and the possibility to reach out to each other easier, faster, more meaningfully no matter where you are, and how many borders and restrictions separate you. 

Get Quote Feature

To help you, my dear patient, to get fast and free quotes from medical institutions we have launched a functionality where you can request a quote directly from the medical institution without filters, and barriers where you can reach the medical professionals directly on the website easy and fast. 

Every medical institution has access to enable quote functionality free of charge and immediately receive your requests on their email, and you need not worry when they will reply you get a notification on your email so you won’t miss any of the replies. This way you can fast and easily send quote requests to several medical institutions and find out treatment details and prices, which will help you not worry about unforeseen surprises and expenses. 

For medical institutions you have already free access to your listing page, which in one click will enable the quote functionality and start replying to patient requests, directly talking to the patients without an intermediary. 

Dashboard For All

We have launched a free version of the dashboard available for all listings, from where you can edit, see patients’ requests, reviews, questions, and statistics of your listing page available in one place. 
To get access to your dashboard you need to claim your listing page and open the dashboard in your top right user menu. 

Prefiltered Packages Together

We have prefiltered packages for you to find what you are looking for in one click. 
See the page here.

Top Treatment Packages Categories

Everyday medical institutions from around the world publish treatment packages on their profiles. We have gathered the top specialties packages for you to easily find the treatment you are looking for. 
Check out available specialties packages on our homepage. 

Intro Guide

Check out our intro guide on main features for Patients and for Medical Institutions on MedicalTourism.Review platform.
See the video here. https://medicaltourism.review/info/how-guides

IVF Legislation In Top Destinations

Looking for fertility options and don’t know what country’s legislation is best suited for your needs? 
Check this article on IVF legislation.

What’s Next?

Get Appointment 

For patients to reach and schedule an appointment for a visit to a doctor or an online consultation or just to chat with a doctor. We are implementing an appointment where you can directly book a doctor’s appointment from the platform on the medical institution’s listing page. 

For Medical Institutions, available appointment functionality just in one click and receive appointment requests on your email directly from patients. 

This functionality is the first step of Telemedicine Implementation which will enable the first step in online consultations process available for patients directly from Medical Institutions’ profile. 

And for medical Institutions, one-click will enable functionality for receiving appointments and have video consultations directly on the platform. 


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