

Onsens are typically, pools filled with hot water for recreational and sometime medical bathing. Onsens are so common in Japan because the country is volcanically active. These Onsens were originally got from natural geothermal heating that could heat the water. They were found outdoor on most of the cases. People have come out to creatively develop Onsens out of hot pipe water.

Although Onsen are originally used for recreational purposes, below are some of its benefits:

  • Strong immune system
  • Smoother and younger skin
  • Detoxification of the body
  • Relaxation of the body

Onsens are commonly considered a place to relax and freshen up. Swimsuits and other forms of clothing are not allowed in these pools because the pools are supposed to clean your body and such cloths may hinder the cleansing process. You should get used to being completely naked in front of people. Moreover, for those of us with long hair, you will have to find a way of preventing them from touching the herbal water.

The common types of onsens categorized as per the type of the chemical compound found in the water are listed below:

  • Sulphur 
  • Sodium chloride
  • Hydrogen Carbonate, and
  • Iron Onsens 

Providers that provide Onsen Service

There are no providers that provide the specified service yet.